There are many reasons why your auto insurance premiums go up. Some of the reasons are known by everyone. For example, tickets and accidents are the most common reason your auto insurance premiums go up. In 2017 more than one-third of U.S. consumers say their insurance costs grew in 2017. 62 percent of consumers say they're paying more, simply because their insurance company is charging more. Here are some of the lesser known reasons why auto insurance premiums increase:
Reasons Why Your Auto Premiums Increase
- You bought an expensive sports car
- You have a teenage driver now
- The deductibles on your policy are too low
- You drive more miles
- You have moved from the country into the city
How to reduce your Auto insurance Premiums
- Increase your deductible
- Don’t get tickets
- Buy older vehicles
- Use an independent agent to shop your insurance
- Combine your other policies for discounts
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